Respect Everybody Shrouds

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Respect Everybody Shrouds have been receiving a lot of press recently.

We attended the Good Funeral Guide Event in Birmingham earlier this month (September) and had a stand to show the product off!  One of our customers, a celebrant who had used recently used one of the Shrouds arranged to carry out a demonstration using her friend to lay within the Shroud so that others attending the show could see how easy they are to use and to carry.  She demonstrated how to wrap the loved one and make the ties secure and how to dress the folds within the bamboo cloth with wild flowers showing that each Shroud can be unique and special to the family using it.

The demonstration was a huge success and we have had a huge amount of interest and various articles within national newspapers such as the Daily Mail

Respect Green Burials

Offering a compassionate and dignified approach to final farewells.

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