Green Burial – What would you choose – Imagine it

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What would you choose – Imagine it – You can choose a wonderful celebration of life or a traditional Green Burial.  Our parks are all about individual choice and funerals are conducted in the most respectful way the family wish or indeed how the individual chooses prior to their passing.

When The first two burials took place at our second Burial Park at Scrooby / Bawtry the first was a traditional Green Burial on Monday and a very special thoughtfully planned burial took place later in the week as a Rainbow Funeral with everyone in very colourful clothing and all the men with BLUE beards & blue stripes in their hair! – It was a wonderful celebration of life and we have never seen so many smiling faces as the very enlightening eulogy was read out by the local celebrant.

These burials prove how much our visitors appreciate what is being created with all the wild flowers in full bloom in the Togetherness Section and the commitment of those who have pre booked confirms they truly believe they would like this to be their chosen final resting place.

Respect Green Burials

Offering a compassionate and dignified approach to final farewells.

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